Full Download Algorithm Universe Theory Book 3: Mathematical Proofs of Supersymmetry - Gregory Friedlander file in PDF Online

Read Algorithm Universe Theory Book 3: Mathematical Proofs of Supersymmetry - Gregory Friedlander | ePub

This theory is About the Underlying symmetry to quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. This work is as exciting as the ancient Greeks, being a product of Parmenides, as rich as the Renaissance, the mathematician being the same one to lay the math that powered that rich time in Italy. AUT relies heavily on a math model developed 800 years ago and is an extension of the

Title : Algorithm Universe Theory Book 3: Mathematical Proofs of Supersymmetry
Author : Gregory Friedlander
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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