Read Kai and His Magical Bobo (Kai Panducorn Book 2) - Kathy V Tran | ePub Online

Read Kai and His Magical Bobo (Kai Panducorn Book 2) - Kathy V Tran file in ePub

Kai Panducorn is very special. You see, he is half-unicorn and half-panda! His parents are special too. His father comes from a warrior panda clan. His mother is one of the important leaders of the unicorn family. One day, Kai’s mother gives him a soft, new blanket. He loves the blanket and named it Bobo. Bobo is Kai’s new best friend. Kai is five-years-old. It’s time for

Title : Kai and His Magical Bobo (Kai Panducorn Book 2)
Author : Kathy V Tran
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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