Download Forty-Year Development of Douglas-Fir Stands Planted at Various Spacings (Classic Reprint) - Donald L Reukema file in ePub Online

Read Online Forty-Year Development of Douglas-Fir Stands Planted at Various Spacings (Classic Reprint) - Donald L Reukema file in ePub

Excerpt from Forty-Year Development of Douglas-Fir Stands Planted at Various SpacingsDuring recent years, diameter and height growth of even the 100 largest trees per acre and total basal area and cubic volume growth per acre have all been substantially greater on the wider spacings. Furthermore, a great share of the total volume produced in the closer spacings is not

Title : Forty-Year Development of Douglas-Fir Stands Planted at Various Spacings (Classic Reprint)
Author : Donald L Reukema
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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