Download Cassie and Cassandra: The Domme and Her Mom 3 - Kylie Gable file in PDF Online

Full Download Cassie and Cassandra: The Domme and Her Mom 3 - Kylie Gable | ePub

Now that the girls have David/Lacey under their control, it's time for a trip to the mall. The only thing better for these mean girls than feminizing and humiliating a boy is having Cassie's mom's platinum card to do it with. Things take a turn with a public performance singing karaoke as a well known female star on a big video screen in the mall and Homecoming plans begin

Title : Cassie and Cassandra: The Domme and Her Mom 3
Author : Kylie Gable
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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