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Books of instruction in the practice of painting have rarely been successful. Chiefly because they have been too narrow in their point of view, and have dealt.
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A complete treatise on the symptoms, effects, nature and treatment of syphilis. Alternate title(s): complete treatise on syphilis uniform title(s): traité complet sur les symptômes, les effets, la nature et le traitement des maladies syphilitiques.
Mahan's highly practical treatise was the first american work to relate clearly tactical and technical aspects of fortification practice.
The painter in oil; a complete treatise on the principles and technique necessary to the painting of pictures in oil colors item preview.
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A complete treatise on electricity in theory and practice with original experiments / tiberius cavallo.
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A complete treatise on the mineral waters of virginia containing a description of their situation, their natural history, their analysis, contents, and their use in medicine / by: rouelle, john.
Farriery improved, or, a complete treatise on the art of farriery wherein is fully explained the nature, structure, and mechanism of that noble and useful creature, a horse, with the diseases and accident's he is liable to, and the methods of cure likewise rules for breeding and training of colts, practical receipts for the cure of common, distempers incident to oxen, cows.
A complete treatise on practical arithmetic; and book-keeping, both by single and double entry.
What is a complete treatise on the art of singing: part one? in the second edition of part one of this revolutionary work, garcia detailed his observations regarding the anatomy and physiology of the voice, as enabled by his observations with the laryngoscope.
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A complete treatise on midwifery, or, the theory and practice of tokology: including diseases of pregnancy, labor, and the puerperal state paperback – august 7, 2019 by alfred velpeau (author).
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A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful is a 1757 treatise on aesthetics written by edmund burke. It was the first complete philosophical exposition for separating the beautiful and the sublime into their own respective rational categories.
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Metallurgy of cast iron: a complete treatise for engineers, foundrymen, and students.
P the painter in oil a complete treatise on the principles and technique necessary to the painting of pictures in oil colorsbrby daniel burkleigh parkhurstbrbrpages can have notes/highlighting.
Title: a compleat treatise of preternatural tumours both general and particular as they appear in the human body from head to foot.
Home; the guide to railway masonry, containing a complete treatise on the oblique arch.
The guide to railway masonry, containing a complete treatise on the oblique arch. This title is part of the ice publishing complete digital collection - helping ensure access to essential engineering content from past to present.
A complete treatise on cast and wrought iron bridge construction: text - ebook written by william humber. Read this book using google play books app on your pc, android, ios devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read a complete treatise on cast and wrought iron bridge construction: text.
Being a complete treatise on the art of angling in every branch.
A complete treatise of the methods used by tom barron, england, in producing heavy layers.
Farriery improved; or, a complete treatise on the art of farriery. To which is prefixed ten minutes advice to the purchasers of horses.
The apple culturist a complete treatise for the practical pomologist. To aid in propagating the apple, and cultivating and managing orchards.
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