Download Mental Muscles: A Step-by-Step Workout Plan for Improving Your Willpower, Memory, Optimism, Numeracy, Creativity, and Organizational Skills - Adelle Marigold | ePub Online

Read Online Mental Muscles: A Step-by-Step Workout Plan for Improving Your Willpower, Memory, Optimism, Numeracy, Creativity, and Organizational Skills - Adelle Marigold file in PDF

What if you treated your mind like an athlete treats her body?Is it hard for you to focus on your work? Lose weight? Remember details? Get organized? If so, there is good news! This book will show you how to build your Mental Muscles just like you can build your biceps or quads!No more struggling with self control, failing at willpower, and wishing things were easier! This

Title : Mental Muscles: A Step-by-Step Workout Plan for Improving Your Willpower, Memory, Optimism, Numeracy, Creativity, and Organizational Skills
Author : Adelle Marigold
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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