Read Online Curating Revolution: Politics on Display in Mao's China - Denise Ho | ePub
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Revolution, in social and political science, a major, sudden, and hence typically violent alteration in government and in related associations and structures. The term is used by analogy in such expressions as the industrial revolution, where it refers to a radical and profound change in economic.
Ho, curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china ( cambridge up, 2017).
Using a wide variety of primary sources, including shanghai’s municipal and district archives and oral history, curating revolution depicts displays of revolution and history, politics and class,.
The atlantic covers news, politics, culture, technology, health, and more, through its articles, podcasts, videos, and flagship magazine.
For curating performance demands a level of knowledge and expertise film, architecture, and politics of the years prior to and after the revolution of 1917,.
2018年12月13日 出版的《策展革命:毛泽东年代的政治陈列》(curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china)一书可以为人们打开一个大大的窗口。.
Ho is assistant professor of twentieth-century chinese history at yale university.
Globally re-engineered as a sector of the service economy and a space of idea of autonomy, codified by the french revolution and its german philosophes.
Curating the revolution: meeting points 7 [1] politics, and modernity at the margins of europe. Supported by the postgraduate programme in curating, institute.
Scotland’s oldest public museum has created the position of ‘curator of discomfort’ to take the museum out of its “institutional comfort zone” and confront historical and modern-day “white supremacy”.
Curating the revolution: meeting points 7 [1] operating since 2000, the young arab theatre fund (yatf) is an organization that, despite its name, largely supports visual artists who hold a connection to the arab world.
Her forthcoming book, curating revolution: politics on display in mao’s china (cambridge university press, 2017) asks how the communist revolution transformed china’s political culture.
The heroes and heroines of the american revolution were monumental figures that changed not only america but the world. Some of them were brave on the battlefield (washington, daniel morgan, francis marion, molly pitcher, margaret corbin).
A ‘just transition’ clean energy revolution can be a boon for west virginia—and the country the mountain state can be ground zero for america’s transition to a new, green economy.
Ho, yale university, presented curating the cultural revolution from present to past.
Curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china (cambridge university press, 2017) argues that “curating revolution taught people how to take part in revolution,” and it develops that argument in a series of case studies that take readers into the local context of museums, revolutionary monuments, model neighborhoods, and more in shanghai, while paying careful attention to the ways that the shanghai case resonates with the larger scope of maoist china as a whole.
Cr/10, digital archive curation, chinese cultural revolution, aby warburg, interface design following this statement, elite politicians and intellectuals who.
Ho examines the relationship between its exhibitions and its political movements. Case studies from shanghai show how revolution was curated: museum workers collected cultural and revolutionary relics; neighborhoods, schools, and work units mounted and narrated local displays; and exhibits provided ritual space for ideological lessons and political campaigns.
Ba curating with politics - ug curating with politics degree at colchester on this module, you'll delve into the themes of landscape, revolution, human rights,.
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Ho, a professor of history at yale university, is the author of curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china.
Curating revolution examines how mao-era exhibitions shaped popular understandings of, and participation in, the political campaigns of china's communist revolution. Ho is assistant professor of twentieth-century chinese history at yale university, connecticut.
Nov 7, 2017 her forthcoming book, curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china ( cambridge university press, 2017) asks how the communist.
Critical perspectives, essays, and conversations on theory and practice edited by dena davida, marc pronovost, véronique hudon, and jane gabriels reviews.
The french revolution at the turn of the century had fostered a deep conservatism in british politics, which was, at the time, the preserve of land-owning nobility. The speenhamland system was a response to potential unrest that might be sparked by rising food prices.
May 17, 2018 part of the research for the recent book curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china (cambridge, 2018), these case studies.
Her first book, curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china, is under contract with cambridge university press.
Apr 20, 2018 denise ho - curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china - denise ho - curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china.
Curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china cambridge: cambridge university press isbn 9781108406147.
Curating revolution examines the relationship between maoist china's exhibition culture and its political campaigns. From collection to display and from narration to reception, museums and exhibitions made china's communist revolution material, shaping how people understood its history and ideology and the ways in which they participated in its turbulent political movements.
Revolutionary activity in mao’s china was a public affair: through mass meetings, trials, and self-criticism, china’s communist leaders made class struggle a public, participatory experience.
Curating revolution: politics on display in mao’s china (cambridge university press, 2017) argues that “curating revolution taught people how to take part in revolution,” and it develops that argument in a series of case studies that take readers into the local context of museums, revolutionary monuments, model neighborhoods, and more in shanghai, while paying careful attention to the ways that the shanghai case resonates with the larger scope of maoist china as a whole.
Agency and affect: curating political change is a practice-led research project that there was a line of giving precedence to revolutionary contents over form.
March 12 intellectual politics: “we wanted a revolution: community, curating, and politics” march 1, 2018 march 1, 2018 hdj rujeko hockley and catherine morris in conversation with jessica bell brown.
Revolutionary curating, curating the revolution: socialist museology in yugoslav croatia joel palhegyi phd candidate, department of history, university of california san diego jpalhegyi@ucsd. Edu abstract the communist period for yugoslav croatia brought about dramatic changes in museum practice and theory between the early 1950s and late 1970s.
Jaclyn corin had gone through active shooter drills and classroom evacuation plans. But she was still shocked when one of the deadliest school shootings in history took place in her own community.
'a lucid and compelling history, curating revolution brings mao-era exhibits to life in vivid, tangible, and deeply human detail. Ho's thoughtful analysis of these 'object lessons' and the purposes they served illuminates as never before the profound relationship between ideology and materiality in mao-era political culture.
Students in bicycle revolution ride throughout the los angeles region to explore the challenges of creating bicycle-friendly cities. Along the way, they meet with decision-makers, transportation.
The cultural revolution mitigating its violence against artifacts, the campaign shaped the institution, its staff, and its collection into what they are today.
Curating the revolution: meeting points 7 to consider contemporary social and political 'change' in both europe and the arab world.
Ho, curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china (cambridge university press, 2018).
May 29, 2018 curating revolution will be of interest to specialists in museum studies and political culture, as well as all scholars of 20th-century china.
Feb 4, 2021 tyree boyd-pates: curating revolution and history within museums follow this organizer to stay informed on future events artcenter dialogues.
Feb 10, 2011 andy carvin is a senior strategist at npr working on digital media. He's known for putting together comprehensive and innovative packages.
1810-c1821) and the mexican revolution ( 1910 onwards, with little consensus on when it ended) brought.
Using a wide variety of primary sources, including shanghai’s municipal and district archives and oral history, curating revolution depicts displays of revolution and history, politics and class, and art and science. Analyzing china’s “socialist museums” and “new exhibitions,” ho demonstrates how mao-era exhibitionary culture both reflected and made revolution.
Ho, curating revolution – politics on display in mao's china ( cambridge: cambridge university press, 2018).
Dec 29, 2018 you get glimpses in denise ho's rather fascinating book, curating revolution: politics on display in mao's china.
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