Read Online Oy Vey: Funny Jewish Yiddish Phrase Notebook or Journal, 150 Page Lined Blank Journal Notebook for Journaling, Notes, Ideas, and Thoughts. - | ePub Online

Read Oy Vey: Funny Jewish Yiddish Phrase Notebook or Journal, 150 Page Lined Blank Journal Notebook for Journaling, Notes, Ideas, and Thoughts. -  file in ePub

Perfect notebook or journal for anyone who likes the phrase Oy Vey. 150 blank lined journal pages to practice writing in Hebrew, write down all your ideas, notes, lists, tasks, thoughts, or use as a diary or journal. This 6 x 9 perfect bound paperback notebook with a matte cover is the perfect gift for someone Jewish or anyone who enjoys some Hebrew humor.

Title : Oy Vey: Funny Jewish Yiddish Phrase Notebook or Journal, 150 Page Lined Blank Journal Notebook for Journaling, Notes, Ideas, and Thoughts.
Author :
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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