Download The Paris Correspondent: A Novel of Newspapers, Then and Now - Alan S. Cowell file in PDF Online

Read Online The Paris Correspondent: A Novel of Newspapers, Then and Now - Alan S. Cowell | PDF

Ed Clancy and Joe Shelby are journalists with The Paris Star, an English-language paper based in Paris. Relics from a time when print news was in its heyday, when being a reporter meant watching a city crumble around you as you called in one last dispatch, the Internet age has taken them by surprise. The two friends are faced with the death of what they hold most

Title : The Paris Correspondent: A Novel of Newspapers, Then and Now
Author : Alan S. Cowell
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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