Download Father of Lions: How One Man Defied Isis and Saved Mosul Zoo - Louise Callaghan file in ePub Online

Download Father of Lions: How One Man Defied Isis and Saved Mosul Zoo - Louise Callaghan | ePub

'This is an unexpectedly funny and moving book. You might not expect to laugh when reading about ISIS-held Mosul, but through the story of a man who loves both lions and life, Louise Callaghan shows how humour and defiance can counter cruelty, and why both humans and animals crave freedom' Lindsey Hilsum, International Editor, Channel 4 News and author of In Extremis: the

Title : Father of Lions: How One Man Defied Isis and Saved Mosul Zoo
Author : Louise Callaghan
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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