Full Download Thoughts from the Narrow Road: A 30-Day Devotional Study on Applying God's Word to our Lives - Joseph Duerr file in ePub Online

Full Download Thoughts from the Narrow Road: A 30-Day Devotional Study on Applying God's Word to our Lives - Joseph Duerr file in ePub

This 30-day study uses biblical examples that cover such topics as idolatry, humility, trust, discipleship, faith, and many others--topics that are extremely relevant for us today. Through careful Scriptural application we can find real meaning for our walk in today's lost world. All proceeds from the sale of his book go towards helping our mission outreach in the

Title : Thoughts from the Narrow Road: A 30-Day Devotional Study on Applying God's Word to our Lives
Author : Joseph Duerr
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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