Read A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie - Kathryn Harkup file in PDF Online

Read Online A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie - Kathryn Harkup | ePub

People are fascinated by murder. The popularity of murder mystery books, TV series, and even board games shows that there is an appetite for death, and the more unusual or macabre the method, the better. With gunshots or stabbings the cause of death is obvious, but poisons are inherently more mysterious. How are some compounds so deadly in such tiny amounts?Agatha Christie

Title : A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie
Author : Kathryn Harkup
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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