Read Scrape, Rattle, and Roll: Reflections on This and That - Barbara Gregorich | ePub Online

Read Scrape, Rattle, and Roll: Reflections on This and That - Barbara Gregorich | ePub

Scrape, Rattle, and Roll is a collection of twenty articles on being a writer and the craft of writing, as well as articles on baseball and music. Included are the author's long piece on why Jack Graney deserves to be given the Ford Frick Award; her 33-stanza poem on the longest game ever played in professional baseball (33 innings, naturally); and her humorous piece on

Title : Scrape, Rattle, and Roll: Reflections on This and That
Author : Barbara Gregorich
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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