Excerpt from Hazardous Wastes Strict Liability: Report to the 1985 General Assembly of North CarolinaThe North Carolina Legislative Research Commission, created by Article 68 of Chapter 120 of the General Statutes, is an interim study organization of the General Assembly.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more
Read Online Hazardous Wastes Strict Liability: Report to the 1985 General Assembly of North Carolina (Classic Reprint) - Legislative Research Commission file in ePub
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Hazardous Wastes Strict Liability: Report to the 1985 General Assembly of North Carolina (Classic Reprint)
Kenney v. Scientific, Inc. :: 1985 :: New Jersey Superior Court
Contaminating the Superfund: Arranger Liability and the Evolution of
Environmental Protection Agency v. Sequa and the Erosion of Joint
3258 3171 4761 2367 2410 4838 3530 1670 1523 1620 3422 3807 2453 2610 3581 3293 2936 1977 4210 2860 3152
[a]s a result of the inadequate handling of hazardous wastes, hazardous waste manage- ment has become the country's most pressing environmental concern.
A cause of action in negligence is a well-established remedy for personal in- jury and property damage arising out of exposure to hazardous wastes.
In addition to merla's statutory strict liability remedy, vic- tims of hazardous substance.
Plaintiffs do not rely on any theory of strict liability against the state. Owner or operator of a major hazardous waste facility shall be strictly liable, without regard.
Liability to the fund was to be joint, several and strict for owners, operators and lessees of inactive or abandoned hazard- ous-waste disposal sites.
We test a model of states' adoption of the hazardous waste liability regime ( negligence, strict liability) providing greater net benefits.
Which found that the storage of hazardous waste in pits was an ultrahazardous activity.
By 1978 annual generation of potentially hazardous waste amounted to over ous waste disposal sites is strict liability for abnormally dangerous activ- ities.
Parties under superfund, congress selected a standard of strict, joint, and several liability to effectively eliminate hazardous waste pollution.
Any solid or hazardous waste which may present an imminent and substantial endangerment to health or the environment is liable.
Spills are more numerous in states that have imposed strict liability, several liability for the ultimate disposition of hazardous waste into a federally permitted.
Jun 2, 2015 environmental insurance policies can provide coverage for hazardous waste you dispose of at a site that is properly permitted for treatment,.
Liability under federal and state hazardous waste cleanup statutes is a special type known as strict liability.
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