Download New Moon: Down in the Dirt magazine v135 (March/April 2016) - Janet Kuypers file in ePub Online

Read Online New Moon: Down in the Dirt magazine v135 (March/April 2016) - Janet Kuypers | ePub

Chicago native Janet Kuypers is a professional performance artist and publisher, and is a writer, an art director, webmaster and photographer, running Scars Publications (, where she edits two literary magazines (cc&d and Down in the Dirt), releasing books, chapbooks, lists performance art shows and releases videos. She was even the final featured poetry performer of 15

Title : New Moon: Down in the Dirt magazine v135 (March/April 2016)
Author : Janet Kuypers
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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