Read Reinventing Regional Security Institutions in Asia and Africa: Power Shifts, Ideas, and Institutional Change - Kei Koga | ePub Online

Download Reinventing Regional Security Institutions in Asia and Africa: Power Shifts, Ideas, and Institutional Change - Kei Koga file in ePub

Regional security institutions play a significant role in shaping the behavior of existing and rising regional powers by nurturing security norms and rules, monitoring state activities, and sometimes imposing sanctions, thereby formulating the configuration of regional security dynamics. Yet, their security roles and influence do not remain constant. Their raison d'etre

Title : Reinventing Regional Security Institutions in Asia and Africa: Power Shifts, Ideas, and Institutional Change
Author : Kei Koga
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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