Download Pagan Consent Culture: Building Communities of Empathy and Autonomy - Christine Hoff Kraemer file in ePub
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Sep 15, 2012 students in my history of england class this week are getting their first dose of early english poetry, a brief immersion into their cultural history.
Building consent culture in philly schools april 30, 2019 our communications manager nuala cabral, who oversees the collab’s teach consent workshop program, co-facilitated a workshop series for educators, parents and youth about building consent culture in philly schools.
Apr 17, 2014 what is consent culture, and how do we build it? here are some basic practices that pagans can use for teaching consent culture to both.
The first openly-pagan cop in north america, kerr’s work with the vancouver police department, and his regular column at witchvox, “witch hunts,” along with his book, “the law enforcement’s guide to wicca,” probably did more to help eliminate the systematic persecution of pagans from the satanic panic than any other source.
Building a culture of respect and consent students attending one of the workshops following the recommendations by the nus review committee on sexual misconduct in june this year, the university developed a compulsory module “a culture of respect and consent” for all students and staff.
It is very important to note that consent is not obtained if a person is impaired by alcohol or drugs. What is consent culture? ’consent culture’ is an environment built around mutual consent.
In my opinion, pagan pride day is the perfect place to build consent culture in our community. It's when all our different traditions gather and when the public gets to see what we're all about. If we want to show each other and the public our best selves, the event must address accessibility, social justice, and consent.
With a teacher's heart, he has approached this issue with empathy, respect, and love for his students.
Consent culture is a challenge to and push against rape culture. It centers itself around moving towards consent, rather than avoiding rape. I started working within the construct of consent culture because i wanted to help create something better, something that didn’t offer the solution, but did signal boost many potential solutions as a way of transforming us as a society into doers.
Affiliations, with seven identified as pagan/wiccan, three as christian/catholic, three as non-.
In most of western society); that the appropriation is done without the consent have to build it ourselves.
Other pagan rituals are more physically demanding: large festival rituals often involve drumming, singing, and ecstatic dancing around a bonfire; donning elaborate costumes, body paint, or masks, which may be intended to assist with embodying sacred forces; and building large, colorful altars with representations of deities or of the four.
This collection explores issues around consent in a wide variety of spiritual traditions and provides guides to building consent culture.
Oct 30, 2018 what to know about the ancient pagan festival that came before would have likely “trashed” the traditions of a culture with which they were.
This article examines discourses in the pagan community in an au we explore community building and boundary defining communications in these of and engagement with consumer culture which are evident in everyday pagan discourse.
Pagan consent culture reflection 1: defining consent and why we need it as i finish up the first week of cherry hill seminary's course on pagan consent culture, i have thoughts. We have been tasked with completing this class and engaging in the work of creating a better culture of consent within our organization in light of the allegations.
Autonomy is the freedom to make decisions without outside interference and is central to a culture of consent. Oppression limits the autonomy that marginalized people have over their lives, wellbeing, bodies and health (sexual and otherwise). This lack of autonomy contributes to the power imbalances discussed earlier.
Education in pagan and nature spiritualities to transform the world build relationships with key people who manage and lead nonprofit organizations with.
Building a consent culture requires we normalize and encourage the everyday use of consent in all interactions. Below are a few our projects and resources to support your efforts to promote consent, explore joyful sexuality, and work to end rape culture.
Activist and writer kitty stryker seeks to go beyond what we traditionally think of as consent (in the bedroom) in her new anthology ask: building consent culture (thorntree press). Although one section addresses consent in the bedroom, she expands the conversation, bringing the notion of consent into the spaces we regularly inhabit: school.
A line drawing of the internet archive headquarters building façade.
Recognizing this, kitty stryker created ask: building consent culture, “an empowering, informative anthology of essays to help young people define their personal boundaries,” according to the recent foreword review by claire foster. Wanting to know more about this groundbreaking project, we asked claire to chase down kitty for an interview.
Khan likens the building of consent culture to science fiction. “what we are doing as community organizers, as people envisioning different worlds, we are doing the work of science fiction,” khan said. ” khan also believes the first thing you need to know is how to listen.
Dec 9, 2020 dozens of pagans motorcycle club members and associates have city of pittsburgh government buildings fly american flags at half-staff.
William ashton, “beyond 'yes means yes': building a culture of consent,” both of summerland festival is a long-standing pan-pagan festival held every.
Like the mainstream communities they are immersed in, pagan communities struggle with consent issues, especially around sexual touch. Increasingly, pagans realize that good consent practices must be embraced by communities, not just by individuals—and that consent is about more than sexuality. Consent culture begins with the idea of autonomy, with recognizing our right to control our bodies and selves in all areas of life; and it is sustained by empathy, the ability to understand and share.
In pagan consent culture, multiple essays explored the concept of sovereignty from different pagan backgrounds, such as druid and faery. In his essay “culture of consent, culture of sovereignty: a recipe from a druid’s perspective,” john beckett wrote, “the land has sovereignty.
Paganism had it’s monuments as well and the early churches used these mounds and barrows to build upon, maybe to show dominance, maybe to assimilate the different cultural identities. Some kings used the new churches to pay homage to their pagan beliefs as well towards their new christian beliefs, with altars to both within the same structure.
Pagan consent culture: building communities of empathy and autonomy, edited by christine hoff kraemer and yvonne aburrow – this is a recent release, and in the light of the recent discussions on community safety and consent in occult and pagan practice, it seems like a very interesting read, exploring different traditions’ philosophies of consent, as well as sexual initiation, community responses to abuse, education of children, mental health issues, and much more.
This is the first installment in a series entitled “building consent culture,” which defines and explores consent culture as a best practice to address the theater and performing arts industry. This series will feature artists from multiple disciplines dedicated to the advocacy of consent culture in chicago’s diy theater and performing.
Ask: building consent culture is the result – an anthology with 24 pieces brushing on many areas of that nuance. Feminist author laurie penny opens the anthology with a piece about why this book is important, touching on the political landscape in the united states and the various ways consent culture is struggling to take root.
Twin cities pagan pride and paganicon has always valued our attendees' one set of ethics that can guide us in making decisions and creating boundaries. Education and information to participants at our events about consent cult.
Mar 4, 2020 europe today has more empty church buildings than it knows what to he says moving to what he calls britain's pagan culture was a shock.
The big question is whether the strategy for passing the covid-19 bill is a template or whether it's an exception, galston said. To pass the covid-19 relief bill, the white house came up with.
Quote: “this collection will define pagan consent culture; articulate widely-held pagan theologies of the body; examine theological resources in various pagan traditions for building consent culture; explore strategies for making seeking consent to touch a normal community practice; give recommendations for safeguarding policies at events for children and adults; provide procedures for communities to use when responding to accusations of sexual abuse; consider the role of unequal power.
Ask: building a consent culture is one of those books that starts an important conversation, but is not going to be the most powerful part of that conversation. Stryker has gathered a number of people to discuss what consent looks like outside of just sex, and that's an important issue to parce through.
Although many pagans see the body and sexuality as sacred, pagan communities still struggle with the reality of assault and abuse. To build consent culture, good consent practices must be embraced by communities, not just by individuals-and consent is about much more than sexuality.
Today, the revelation of accusations of child molestation against the late ar ndraiocht fein founder isaac bonewits hit the pagan community. This comes in the wake of the conviction of kenny klein, a prominent figure in blue star wicca, ongoing concern about pagan sexual culture provoked by the likes of the frosts, and community discussion about violation of boundaries and consent at pagan.
The feminist porn book: the politics of producing pleasure (book).
Violating consent isn't limited to sexual relationships, and our discussions around consent shouldn't be, either. To resist rape culture, we need a consent culture—and one that is more than just reactionary. Left confined to intimate spaces, consent will atrophy as theory that is never put into practice.
Brave is a new text message series that follows the story of three friends – alex, chris and benny – over 7 video episodes, as they experience and overcome intimate partner violence, alcohol misuse, and suicidality.
A workshop exploring transformative justice processes, consent practices, and principles for fostering brave spaces. Building consent culture tickets, wed, 4 mar 2020 at 5:30 pm eventbrite eventbrite, and certain approved third parties, use functional, analytical and tracking cookies (or similar technologies) to understand your event.
Jun 13, 2019 you may click to consent to our and our partners' processing as described discover the weird and wonderful ways that different cultures build a bonfire to burn a witch, like the danish pagan britain's.
Creating cultures of consent, respect, and positive sexuality. We can change how we understand sexuality and prevent sexual violence. We envision a culture in which consent is the norm for sexual expression.
Oct 4, 2019 even in pagan antiquity, there were those who, while participating in the community's religious life, did not believe in literal gods.
The contact improv consent culture blog publishes content that inquires into and supports the building of consent-based culture in contact improvisation. What is contact improvisation? contact improvisation (also sometimes referred to as ci, contact dance and contact improv) is a social dance involving touch, in which momentum and weight sharing.
Oct 24, 2014 you're casting a circle of energy, a circle of protection and creating a sacred space, he says.
To build consent culture, good consent practices must be embraced by communities, not just by individuals—and consent is about much more than sexuality. Consent culture begins with the idea of autonomy, with recognizing our right to control our bodies and selves in all areas of life; and it is sustained by empathy, the ability to understand and share the emotional states of others.
The precise evolution of pagan architecture is difficult to establish. Only a few buildings have retained their dedicatory inscriptions, so the founding date for the majority of buildings is unknown. Inscription stones from pagan temples removed to protected location a general dating, however, can be attempted by comparing the architectural details of the few dated structures with those of unknown date but this process is confounded because some features.
Feb 26, 2020 beneath a cathedral-like ceiling, the ruins of pre-christian pagan temples had been reused as building blocks for the mishmash of columns.
Mar 9, 2016 these characteristics indisputably define a “pagan” culture, in a the tumuli are considered by the local people to be former buildings (not.
Daily news for pagans, heathens, wiccans, witches, and polytheists. The wild hunt has been bringing you modern pagan news and comentary for over 15 years.
By some measures, modern paganism is one of america's fastest-growing religions with an estimated 1 million followers of various pagan sects in the united states. 3 percent of americans identify as pagan or wicca which is the same number who identify as unitarian.
While many of us have studied and worked to implement a solid “yes means yes” attitude when it comes to consent, we often don’t know how to implement the new attitude and understanding into a change in culture. This workshop is designed for folx who are ready to move onto the next stage and truly.
Consent can be non-verbal, but when we are on the beginner slopes of consent culture, it’s great to practice getting verbal consent. Below are some helpful resources for understanding consent culture and building it in your community.
Episode #69 – building consent culture with kitty stryker how examining non-sexual consent makes it easier to talk about sexual agency.
In this collection, druids, wiccans, heathens, polytheists, and others show how to ground good consent practices in pagan stories, liturgies, and values. Although many pagans see the body and sexuality as sacred, pagan communities still struggle with the reality of assault and abuse.
The mound building located at the tribal headquarters, houses the national council offices and judicial offices. Over 100 years after the dark days of the allotment era, the muscogee (creek) people are actively engaged in the process of accepting and asserting the rights and responsibilities of a sovereign nation.
Aug 8, 2019 this is a key step in building more inclusive schools and workplaces. Nccj's interfaith calendars include holidays and cultural observances for and roman catholic), hindu, jewish, mormon, muslim, sikh and wicca.
Kitty stryker is a writer, activist and authority on developing a consent culture in alternative communities. She is the author of ask: building consent culture and tours educating people about the many ways consent impacts our daily lives.
Oct 28, 2015 most pagans honor the spirits of the earth and their ancestors, and many worship various gods and goddesses. “i wanted to have a connection with the culture my ancestors came from,” hoglund said.
Violating consent isn’t limited to sexual relationships, and our discussions around consent shouldn’t be, either. To resist rape culture, we need a consent culture—and one that is more than just reactionary. Left confined to intimate spaces, consent will atrophy as theory that is never put into practice.
We are so pleased to be speaking with kitty stryker -- feminist writer, queer activist, and author of ask: building consent culture. In this episode we talk about how consent affects our lives outside the bedroom as well as the difficult task of holding space for people who have been called out on boundary violations.
Fostering a culture of consent: how to cultivate consent culture download resources supporting survivors of sexual violence.
Jan 14, 2021 emilio pagan came to the san diego padres last season to help let's hope he can build on that strong finish and keep the momentum going.
Consent occurs when one person voluntarily agrees to the proposal or desires of another. It is a achieving permission results in getting resource consent or building consent.
Although many pagans see the body and sexuality as sacred, pagan communities still struggle with the reality of assault and abuse. To build consent culture, good consent practices must be embraced by communities, not just by individuals—and consent is about much more than sexuality.
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