Download 100 Ways to Re-Purpose Your Etsy Marketing Content: How to Reach a Wider Audience, Save Time & Energy, Increase Subscribers, and Use What You've Already Created to Build Your Platform - Kerrie Legend file in ePub Online

Read Online 100  Ways to Re-Purpose Your Etsy Marketing Content: How to Reach a Wider Audience, Save Time & Energy, Increase Subscribers, and Use What You've Already Created to Build Your Platform - Kerrie Legend file in ePub

Why re-purpose your content? Why not just create more articles, more information more? Well, there are several reasons. While it’s great to be able to come up with blog post after post, you might be missing the point of blogging and what the end goal really is. Exposure, audience, and virality. Income! That’s really the focus of blogging and developing content, aside from

Title : 100 Ways to Re-Purpose Your Etsy Marketing Content: How to Reach a Wider Audience, Save Time & Energy, Increase Subscribers, and Use What You've Already Created to Build Your Platform
Author : Kerrie Legend
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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