Download India and Southeast Asia (Routledge Revivals): Indian Perceptions and Policies - Mohammed Ayoob | PDF Online

Download India and Southeast Asia (Routledge Revivals): Indian Perceptions and Policies - Mohammed Ayoob file in PDF

This title, first published in 1990, provides a close contextual analysis of how influential Indian policy-makers have perceived India's interests within the ASEAN region since Indian independence in 1947. Placing these perceptions in the context of India's broad strategic and foreign policy framework, Ayoob analyses the policies which had emerged by the close of the 1980s

Title : India and Southeast Asia (Routledge Revivals): Indian Perceptions and Policies
Author : Mohammed Ayoob
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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