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Angela davis, the daughter of an automobile mechanic and a school teacher, was born in birmingham, alabama, on 26th january, 1944. The area where the family lived became known as dynamite hill because of the large number of african american homes bombed by the ku klux klan.
Biography of german politician angela merkel, who in 2005 became the first female chancellor of germany. Her willingness to adopt the positions of her political opponents has been characterized as pragmatism, although critics have decried her approach as the absence of a clear stance and ideology.
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Trump, as well as brazil's jair bolsonaro and russia's vladimir putin, must have felt his ears burning when the german chancellor demolished their approaches to the coronavirus in a speech thursday.
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Angela dorothea kasner, better known as angela merkel, was born in hamburg, west germany, on july 17, 1954. Trained as a physicist, merkel entered politics after the 1989 fall of the berlin wall.
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The first catholic college for women in new york state was founded by the ursulines at new rochelle [new york] in 1904. The ursulines in several other parts of the united states have followed the precedent, and are labouring practically to further the higher education of women.
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Vladimir vladimirovich putin (born 7 october 1952) is a russian politician and former intelligence officer who is serving as the current president of russia since 2012, previously being in the office from 1999 until 2008.
Angela colley is a freelance writer living in new orleans, louisiana with a background in mortgage and real estate. Her interests include animal rights advocacy, green living, mob movies and finding the best deal on everything.
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To celebrate this iconic character, life pays tribute to all the actors who have portrayed bond. A special section on the history of the bond franchise provides rare photographs from on the set and off and yields inside intelligence on each film’s behind-the-scenes politics, business deals, and casting calls.
— big, small, broad, narrow, long or short, turned up, pug, hooked, bulbous or prominent, humans inherit their nose shape from their parents, but ultimately, the shape of someone's nose and that of their parents was formed by a long process of adaptation to our local climate, according to an international team of researchers.
Carol creighton burnett was born to joseph thomas burnett and ina louise on april 26, 1933 in san antonio, texas. Her father was a movie theatre manager and her mother worked as a publicity writer.
Putin was born in leningrad (now saint petersburg) and studied law at leningrad state university, graduating in 1975. Putin worked as a kgb foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel, before resigning in 1991 to begin a political career in saint petersburg.
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