Download Michael Liddle: The Portal of Prophecy (The Saga of Michael Liddle Book 1) - R.D. Blake file in PDF Online

Download Michael Liddle: The Portal of Prophecy (The Saga of Michael Liddle Book 1) - R.D. Blake | ePub

What if you discovered that your own past is not what you thought? In fact like no other on Earth? That you alone have no common ancestry with the human race? And that your destiny had been set out for you from choices made by others who existed eons ago? What if you were eleven year old Michael Liddle? None of these questions ever occurred to Michael to ask of himself.

Title : Michael Liddle: The Portal of Prophecy (The Saga of Michael Liddle Book 1)
Author : R.D. Blake
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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