Download Christ's Resurrection in Early Christianity: And the Making of the New Testament - Markus Vinzent file in PDF Online

Read Christ's Resurrection in Early Christianity: And the Making of the New Testament - Markus Vinzent file in PDF

Why is the Resurrection of Christ so remote, almost non-existent in many early Christian writings of the first 140 years of Christianity? This is the first Patristic book to focus on the development of the belief in the Resurrection of Christ through the first centuries A.D. By Paul, Christ's Resurrection is regarded as the basis of Christian hope. In the fourth century it

Title : Christ's Resurrection in Early Christianity: And the Making of the New Testament
Author : Markus Vinzent
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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