Read Online The New Masters: An Alien Bondage Sci Fi Erotica - Sophia Suttree file in PDF Online

Read Online The New Masters: An Alien Bondage Sci Fi Erotica - Sophia Suttree | ePub

Ridley and Veronica, taken as children by the Alexians to work in their mineral rock quarry, had watched each other from afar as they'd grown up. Linked by a shared heritage and a mutually secret lust for one another their bondage had kept them apart. They'd think of one another at night as they touched themselves on opposite ends of the slave barracks, each keeping their

Title : The New Masters: An Alien Bondage Sci Fi Erotica
Author : Sophia Suttree
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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