Read Byways in the Classics Including Alia (Classic Reprint) - Hugh E.P. Platt | ePub Online

Read Byways in the Classics Including Alia (Classic Reprint) - Hugh E.P. Platt file in PDF

Excerpt from Byways in the Classics Including AliaLast year I published under the title of Alia a collection of proverbial phrases with Greek and Latin parallels and Of various jottings on the classics, which met with wider favour than I had ventured to anticipate. Accordingly, I have cut out what seemed too trivial to reprint and added more, and have here included the

Title : Byways in the Classics Including Alia (Classic Reprint)
Author : Hugh E.P. Platt
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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