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3453 3169 3924 3347 4918 3769 4117 1078 1386 2056 489 350 3829 1772 2505 1893 211 788 4644 3470 4715 2753 1595 3500 611 845 4439 259 1957 1423 3525 412 3615 4875 1863 2111
A retrospective study to review and compare clinical data including electronic medical records and laboratory tests from pregnant and nonpregnant patients admitted the central hospital of wuhan, china from december 8, 2019 to april 1, 2020. A total of 72 women (30 pregnant and 42 nonpregnant) with covid‐19 were included.
Translational research (formerly the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine) delivers original investigations in the broad fields of laboratory, clinical, and public health research. Published monthly since 1915, it keeps readers up-to-date on significant biomedical research from all subspecialties of medicine.
International journal of clinical and laboratory research volumes and issues international journal of clinical and laboratory research is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.
International journal of clinical and laboratory research is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.
Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine impact factor, if, number of article, detailed information and journal factor.
About clinical laboratory science journal clinical laboratory science is published quarterly by the american society for clinical laboratory science, 1861 international drive, suite 200, mclean, va 22102; (571) 748-3770.
(1) background: the global threat of coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) continues. The diversity of clinical characteristics and progress are reported in many countries as the duration of the pandemic is prolonged. We aimed to perform a novel systematic review and meta-analysis focusing on findings about correlations between clinical characteristics and laboratory features of patients with.
High-standard research on modern laboratory diagnostics; multifaceted approach to clinical laboratory; renowned international editors and editorial board; high.
International journal of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine is areputed journal that publishes articles related to clinical chemistry and laboratory.
Chinese journal of laboratory medicine will consider papers for publication in the following aspect: editorial, special forum, monography, clinical diagnostic.
Journal of clinical pathology (jcp) is committed to the advancement of all disciplines within the broader remit of human pathology. This also encompasses molecular biology and its applications in the understanding of human biology and pathology.
Indonesian journal of clinical pathology and medical laboratory is the official journal of the indonesian association of clinical pathology.
The journal of applied laboratory medicine (jalm) is published online by aacc. This international, peer-reviewed publication showcases applied research on clinically relevant laboratory topics as well as commentary on the practice of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine.
Journal of clinical laboratory analysis publishes original articles on newly developing modes of technology and laboratory assays, with emphasis on their application in current and future clinical laboratory testing. This includes reports from the following fields: immunochemistry and toxicology, hematology and hematopathology, immunopathology.
Audits are part of the continuous quality improvement process and one of the key elements of clinical governance. Laboratory-based clinical audits are concerned primarily with the everyday aspects of laboratory services and are a means of providing feedback to the users of the laboratory and its staff. They involve measuring the performance of laboratory services against established standards.
Translational research delivers original investigations in the broad fields of laboratory, clinical, and public health research. Interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary in scope, it keeps readers up-to-date on significant biomedical research from all subspecialties of medicine.
The journal of laboratory and clinical medicine delivers clinical investigation and research articles to physicians, academic clinician-scientists, and laboratory consultants.
25 fev 2021 the journal clinical and laboratorial research in dentistry publishes research and clinical articles in all related areas to dentistry.
The african journal of laboratory medicine focuses on the role of the laboratory and its professionals in the clinical and public healthcare sectors, and is specifically based on an african frame of reference.
Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation citations: 3,265 read 1019 articles with impact on researchgate, the professional network for scientists.
Discover a collection of jalm papers on stewardship and value propositions, highlighting the technical and clinical challenges associated with using lab data to improve patient outcomes and healthcare costs.
Journal of clinical and laboratory investigation updates' journal/conference profile on publons, with several reviews by several reviewers - working with reviewers, publishers, institutions, and funding agencies to turn peer review into a measurable research output.
Explore the latest high-quality research from the lancet family of journals.
The journal encourages debate on published papers and technology, including letters commenting on previous publications or technological concerns. The journal occasionally publishes special issues with technological or clinical themes, or reports and abstracts from scientificmeetings. Special issues proposals should be sent to the editor-in-chief.
Cls is an online journal published quarterly and features articles on the very latest in research, education, and government actions affecting clinical laboratory.
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Aims and scope of clinical laboratory (abbreviation: clin lab) clinical laboratory is an international fully peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of laboratory medicine and transfusion medicine.
What is the abbreviation for journal of laboratory and clinical medicine? looking for the shorthand of journal of laboratory and clinical medicine? this page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.
Journal of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine is an open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes scholarly articles on recent innovations made in the field of medical chemistry, clinical pathology and laboratory medicine.
The journal of laboratory and clinical medicine is known and respected around the world. The journal is recommended for initial purchase in two brandon-hill studies, selected list of books and journals for the small medical library and selected list of books and journals in allied heath sciences.
Oct 20, 2020 the key objective: to promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of the public health.
With the tremendous advancements in clinical care and developments in science diagnostic branches like pathology, microbiology, immunology, biochemistry.
Read the latest articles of journal of laboratory and clinical medicine at sciencedirect. Com, elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature.
Total citations made in the jcr year to content published in a journal in the prior two years are divided by the number of articles and reviews published by the journal in the prior two years.
Clinical laboratory is an international fully peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of laboratory medicine and transfusion medicine. In addition to transfusion medicine topics clinical laboratory represents submissions concerning tissue transplantation and hematopoietic, cellular and gene therapies.
803 surveillance of coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) testing in clinical.
The following is a table of reference values for adults for laboratory tests commonly ordered at the massachusetts general hospital (mgh) and recorded in the case records.
Highlights of the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 1955 through 1964.
Scope journal of clinical laboratory analysis publishes original articles on newly developing modes of technology and laboratory assays, with emphasis on their application in current and future clinical laboratory testing.
Clinical laboratory science journal clinical laboratory science (cls) is the official journal of the american society for clinical laboratory science.
The journal of laboratory and clinical medicine delivers original investigations in the broad fields of laboratory and clinical medicine to internists, pathologists.
The journal of laboratory and precision medicine is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal covering all aspects of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, defined as the analytical and clinical investigation of laboratory tests in humans used for disease diagnosis, risk stratification, severity or prognosis estimation, treatment.
Educational laboratory experiences at the high school and undergraduate level provide a critical component of a high quality, practical education in chemistry.
Academic journal abbreviation database: check out the most frequently used abbreviations for journal of clinical laboratory analysis.
The journal provides an international forum for all new developments in the research and practice of laboratory hematology and includes invited reviews, full.
Official journal of the italian society of clinical pathology and laboratory medicine (sipmel) indexed/abstracted in: scopus.
Epidemiologic data, demographic data, signs/symptoms, laboratory findings, initial radiographic findings, treatments, and clinical outcomes were obtained from patients electronic medical records. Clinical outcomes were followed up to mar 4, 2020, when all patients with confirmed covid-19 were discharged.
Letpub scientific journal selector (2018-2021), journal of clinical laboratory analysis published in 1987, united states.
The clinical laboratory plays a key role in supporting the monitoring and management of covid 19 disease. Our study describes the laboratory characteristics of 103, covid 19 positive patients hospitalized in the public hospital trifun panovski in the period april - june 2020.
Official peer-reviewed journal of the association for clinical biochemistry and laboratory medicine publishing papers that contribute to knowledge in all fields of laboratory medicine, especially those pertaining to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human disease.
Journal of clinical and laboratory research (jclr) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that encompasses all fundamental and research aspects of clinical and laboratory, journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of clinical and laboratory sciences and research.
The clinical law review (issn 1079-1159) is a semi-annual peer-edited journal devoted to issues of lawyering theory and clinical legal education.
The journal of laboratory and clinical medicine is known and respected around the world. Of the 4,779 scientific journals listed in the science citation index, the journal ranks in the top 7% for citation frequency.
In developed countries, an estimated 60% to 80% of patient management decisions are based on laboratory data. 11–13 laboratory investigations are often more sensitive and specific than clinical decision criteria alone. 14, 15 diagnostics and clinical patient management have an interdependent relationship; laboratory data provide justification.
Verification of examination procedures in clinical laboratory for imprecision, trueness and diagnostic accuracy according to iso 15189:2012: a pragmatic approach.
Feb 6, 2021 title proper: the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.
Journal of clinical laboratory analysis publishes original articles on newly developing modes of technology and laboratory assays, with emphasis on their application in current and future clinical laboratory testing. This includes reports from the following fields: immunochemistry and toxicology, hematology and hematopathology, immunopathology, molecular diagnostics, microbiology, genetic.
Translational research: the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine is a monthly peer-reviewed medical journal covering translational research.
Advertisers in clinical chemistry earn 50% off standard and premium digital banner campaigns for the journal of applied laboratory medicine.
The journal of laboratory and clinical medicine -2006: new york, ny elsevier.
Annals of clinical and laboratory research (aclr) is an international peer- reviewed, open access journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas.
Oct 11, 2019 aacc, a global scientific and medical professional organization dedicated to better health through laboratory medicine, is pleased to announce.
The covid-19 outbreak has had a major impact on clinical microbiology laboratories in the past several months.
This international, peer-reviewed publication showcases applied research on clinically relevant laboratory topics as well as commentary on the practice of clinical.
Journal of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine short communication correspondence to: aleksandar georgiev otsetov, department of uropathology, umea, sweden, tel: 9242568321; e-mail:.
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