Download Katsura: Tradition and creation in Japanese architecture - Kenzo Tange | PDF Online

Download Katsura: Tradition and creation in Japanese architecture - Kenzo Tange | ePub

Kenzō Tange was a Japanese architect, and winner of the 1987 Pritzker Prize for architecture. He was one of the most significant architects of the 20th century, combining traditional Japanese styles with modernism, and designed major buildings on five continents. Tange was also an influential patron of the Metabolist movement. He said: It was, I believe, around 1959 or at the beginning of the

Title : Katsura: Tradition and creation in Japanese architecture
Author : Kenzo Tange
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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