Download Tales of a Wedding Planner: Murder, identity mix-ups and a missing wedding gown - Elaine Bertolotti file in ePub Online

Read Tales of a Wedding Planner: Murder, identity mix-ups and a missing wedding gown - Elaine Bertolotti | ePub

Vicky Vance, wedding planner, finds that her new found profession is definitely not boring! She must deal with timid as well a determined young brides not to mention weddings that are not at all what one would expect. Murder, identity mix ups, and a missing wedding gown cause more than one problem for Vicky and her faithful assistant, Sally. At the end of her wedding

Title : Tales of a Wedding Planner: Murder, identity mix-ups and a missing wedding gown
Author : Elaine Bertolotti
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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