Read A History of the Cleveland Sinking Fund of 1862 (Classic Reprint) - John William Perrin file in ePub
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A History of the Cleveland Sinking Fund of 1862 (Classic Reprint)
A history of the leveland sinking fund of 1862 [FACSIMILE
History of the Cleveland sinking fund of 1862: Perrin, John
History of the Cleveland sinking fund of 1862, - CORE
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Money set aside in a special account to which regular contributions are made by way of additional money and/or interest on the money,with the plans that by a specified date the fund will be sufficient for a particular purpose. Prospective homeowners may set up a sinking fund for a house down payment,and companies usually establish sinking funds to pay off bonds.
The sinking fund was first used in great britain in the 18th century to reduce national debt. While used by robert walpole in 1716 and effectively in the 1720s and early 1730s, it originated in the commercial tax syndicates of the italian peninsula of the 14th century, where its function was to retire redeemable public debt of those cities.
1904), a prominent cleveland businessman, was born in andover, conn. To in 1862 he was appointed to the city board of sinking fund trustees.
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Nike has faced a long history of controversy over its labor practices. The company was founded on a principle of finding cheaper labor to produce same-quality goods and followed this unfailingly.
The bond sinking fund and the securities stabilization fund began to be managed by the bureau as fiscal agent. The electronic auction of the philippine government securities called the automated debt auction processing system (adaps), the first of its kind in asia, was introduced for a faster, more transparent and accurate auctions.
Wanting to protect its investment, the state began to inspect and insure all school buildings via the sinking fund commission in 1919. (click here to learn more about the sinking fund commission and background of this collection. ) this collection of photos catalogs approximately 2,600 public schools, african-american and white.
A history of the cleveland sinking fund of 1862 / by 1934- john william perrin.
The resulting legislation delegated decisions regarding borrowing and payment policies of the utmost importance to the national economy to president washington and executive officers serving on the sinking fund commission.
Sinking fund, nationalsinking fund, national, a fund established under the funding act of 1790 to pay off the public debt. Administered by high government officers, it drew its funds from surplus revenue from customs duties and $2 million of borrowed money. Source for information on sinking fund, national: dictionary of american history dictionary.
First mortgage indenture between the cleveland union terminals company and the union trust company, trustee securing an issue of not exceeding $60,000,000 first mortgage sinking fund gold bonds dated april 1, 1922 by cleveland union terminals company; union trust company (cleveland, ohio).
History of the cleveland sinking fund of 1862 [perrin, john william] on amazon.
History of the cleveland sinking fund of 1862, by john william.
The sinking fund commission, established in 1862, accumulated funds from tax levies and income to discharge the outstanding debt of the city at maturity. It was composed of the mayor, the president of council, and the director of finance.
Sinking fund, fund accumulated and set aside by a corporation or government agency for the purpose of periodically redeeming bonds, debentures, and preferred stocks. The fund is accumulated from earnings, and payments into the fund may be based on either a fixed percentage of the outstanding debt or a fixed percentage of profits.
The sinking fund is the bond retirement fund of the city and its operations are governed by the ohio revised code, the city charter and the general bond ordinance. The sinking fund commission consists of the mayor, director of finance and city council president.
Page 3 history of sinking funds in australia qld – sinking fund forecast introduced 1987 nsw – sinking fund plan introduced 2004 to 2006 act – sinking fund forecast introduced 2009 vic – 2009over $200,000 turnover or 100 units in size, trends with smaller schemes are increasing.
This series consists of photographs taken by the special agent of the sinking fund commission for insurance purposes. Information with the photograph generally includes the name of the school or public property, school district for the school photographed, and county in which the school was located.
Sinking fund forecasts are regulated in queensland by “the body corporate and community management act 1997”. At the annual general meeting the owners are presented with the body corporate budgets of income and expenditure to approve based on the budget and to: fix the contributions that are levied.
(9b) the moneys remaining in the management fund and sinking fund as at the date of the legal completion of a collective sale of the property in accordance with part va of the land titles (strata) act shall be returned as soon as practicable to the subsidiary proprietors of the lots in shares proportional to the contributions levied by the management corporation on the subsidiary proprietors.
In 1846-47, bingham served on cleveland city council, initiating the establishment of a city waterworks system and supervising construction of the first tunnel into the lake for drinking water. In 1862 he was appointed to the city board of sinking fund trustees.
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