Read Rise Like a Phoenix: The 12 Steps of Bankruptcy - Kathryn A. Hathaway file in ePub Online

Read Rise Like a Phoenix: The 12 Steps of Bankruptcy - Kathryn A. Hathaway file in ePub

“It is not enough to just get rid of debt. We must change our mindset and methods in order to manifest the fresh start that bankruptcy hopes to deliver.” Rise Like A Phoenix: The 12 Steps of Bankruptcy is your guided tour through the bankruptcy process using the recovery movement’s 12 Steps as a roadmap. From the First Step of recognizing how unmanageable debt has made

Title : Rise Like a Phoenix: The 12 Steps of Bankruptcy
Author : Kathryn A. Hathaway
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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