Download The Haunting of Mission Santa Cruz, Mexico, 1708 to 1876 - J.E. Lonergan | ePub Online

Download The Haunting of Mission Santa Cruz, Mexico, 1708 to 1876 - J.E. Lonergan file in PDF

This book is about Mission Santa Cruz, California when it was Mexico and the land grabs that took place 30 years after the Mexican American Wars. The famous Magnolia Rose Hotel, belonging to the Mexican Governor Joe Castro and his wife Rafaela Rodriguez was stolen by A.F. Hearne (aka, Hihns of the Heizne Ketchup) and a fire was staged. The Hihns, Watsons, and Sullivans

Title : The Haunting of Mission Santa Cruz, Mexico, 1708 to 1876
Author : J.E. Lonergan
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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