Download The Law Relating to Shipmasters and Seamen: Their Appointment, Duties, Powers, Rights, and Liabilities (Classic Reprint) - Joseph Kay | PDF Online

Download The Law Relating to Shipmasters and Seamen: Their Appointment, Duties, Powers, Rights, and Liabilities (Classic Reprint) - Joseph Kay file in ePub

Excerpt from The Law Relating to Shipmasters and Seamen: Their Appointment, Duties, Powers, Rights, and LiabilitiesThe editors desire to express their sense of obligation to Mr. Leaker, of the Board of Trade, and to other officials of that Department and of the Trinity House, for the ready courtesy with which they supplied copies of all documents and orders for which

Title : The Law Relating to Shipmasters and Seamen: Their Appointment, Duties, Powers, Rights, and Liabilities (Classic Reprint)
Author : Joseph Kay
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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