Download Perez and Columbus, or the Franciscans in America (Classic Reprint) - Francis Dent | PDF Online

Full Download Perez and Columbus, or the Franciscans in America (Classic Reprint) - Francis Dent file in PDF

Excerpt from Perez and Columbus, or the Franciscans in AmericaCapistrano and St. Laurence of Brindisi, cross In' hand, led Christian hosts to victory against infidel armies.Father John Perez was a worthy member of this illustrious order. His was a grand mission, and he proved equal to the occasion that called him forth. He and Columbus were chosen by Divine Providence to

Title : Perez and Columbus, or the Franciscans in America (Classic Reprint)
Author : Francis Dent
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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